lunedì 25 marzo 2013

Cultural dimension analysis of the article” Senza Papa, senza Duce e senza re” from I Giovani Siciliani

Cultural dimension analysis of the article” Senza Papa, senza Duce e senza re”.

Using the methodological approach from Trompenaars 1994, I will tried to analysis the article from the revue called “I giovani siciliani” from February 2013.
The notion of low power influence it's present in the frequent use inside the title of the italian adverb “ senza” ( in English without) as a element of subalternity present into the speaking community of young Sicilians citizen.
The absence of Pope coming from Germany was a kind of threatening for the face of more flexible region like Sicily in contrast with the more rule oriented approach coming from the German Pope. In this way we assume that Sicilian are more inclined to accept exception than people from north of Europe incline to accept more standardise procedure in accord with Trompenaars about his approach on cultural dimension analysis. “ Senza un duce” like a master to obey in order to put under any situation your weak face and “ senza un re” as a habitus ( Bourdieu) to have some social groups in power with a strong social distance in term of power distance from everyday people.
Indeed we have the absence of the American as a external element inside the history of Sicily in colonial term where the external force determine the winner of the political competition into the island. The subject “ noi siciliani” inform us of a strong perception of being a social group very cohesive with a powerful collectivist approach. In this case, the Sicilians seem to be linked with the same destiny in a very non critical way from my prospective. A very suggestive utterance like “ a chi dobbiamo battere le mani” make clear a idea of weak face in front of new subject of the history for the island. The idea is that the power are somewhere outside the island or from outside our group as sicilians. The notion of in-group present with the “ noi siciliani” will be expanded to all the italian land because in real term we are living a “ meridionalization” of Italy in this last years.
This act of expansion of the in-group notion of Sicilian to all the Italian citizen could be seen in two direction: from a sicilian point of view it's like a way to gain face in front of the internal necessity to be central and capital of something. Otherwise, we can see this act as a strong threatening device to other citizen of Italy that don't want to share this inclusion with the rest of Sicilians people.
The adjective “ qui” as a spatial deissi represent a valorization of the face with a list of negative activities for the island territory and after expanded in all the country. This particularistic group call the “Italian Caste”start this way of life in Sicily with very hilarious politicians, tyranny entrepreneur with mafian attitude, escort-journalist, mediatic empire and political pride from speech convention to juridical trial. This represent a description of a social group in power which is threatening the collective face of Sicilians on the first time and then all the italian citizen on this time.
The basic assumption as Trompenaars underline in this theory is clearly express on the cultural value of “ exhibition” and “ accumulation of power” as a sign of my person inside the italian society. This value became a norm when this need of show off and accumulation of power became a virtu to make a politician career on the last decade and more.
In this article, the notion of person like “ Formigoni”, “ Cuffaro”, “ Lombardi” seem to put a uge social distance between the members of the Sicilians society and the in-group member of the politician class. Extremely significant is the mention of the name of “ Formigoni” as a representative politicians of the Lombard politics as a typical noble of any Sicilian or southern village of Italy. The family name like “ Formigoni” mean really a big social distance with this person because on the last decade the politicians name have a strong correlation with the penal code inside the newspaper. With this approach adopted in this article de facto this relationship between politicians and magistrates represent a lost of face for the majority of the people outside of this mediatic arena dealing with everyday life problem.
Name like “ Bossi-Berlusconi- Il Monte dei Paschi” underline the inconsistency of the northern people to orientalize Sicily and all the south of Italy as a pathology of the country.
In this case, the pretext of having a difference in term of cultural dimension it's just inappropriate and false. With my view , I suggest that to put in evidence the name of politicians in first line represent a need of the Sicilians to give face to people in charge even if they misbehave so strongly.
If we analyse the following sentence “ Il re della Sicilia è il Gattopardo” constitute a utterance with sceptical element inside where the Gattopardo is a metaphor of impossibility of change because everything have to change in order that nothing really change. The person notion of the “ re” ( in English King) mean a need to live with strong social distance between members of the society where the King have a opportunity to use arbitrary power during his kingdom.
The kind in Sicily have the ability of changing face in face of the controversial change present in this moment inside the island. The notion itself of the King mean a presence of ranking of imposition very strong inside the relationship with others members of the society.
The rhetorical question “ Che forma assumerà, questa volta, in Italia? “ appear like a form of weak face from the Sicilian prospective because it put in evidence a strong inclination to scepticism.
This metaphorical figure of the Gattopardo seems to be not a real threatening to the face of other people because it's able to adapt themselves to the new environment with the strong power imposition
that in the world nothing change. Even when the citizen are furious it is something right for the face of the people in need of dignity. They deserve this acknowledgement of face will argue the gattopardian person at the power.
This situation once present into the context of Sicily can be expanded to all Italy from the point of view of the Sicilian revue doing on that way a strong threatening to the positive face of the North of the country. This need of reconnaissance of face are claimed form a in-group position even if during all the article it's seems that the author write in name of the collectivity.
On this moment, the author, probably in line with the Sicilian revue prospective, claim that this need of face it's a urge request of being new subject of the history and not subaltern object of this history.
The presence of struggle moment between members of barony society and citizen from a in-group and out-group prospective appear to be very clear to the author of the article.

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