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lunedì 19 aprile 2021

Cultural Linguistics,


In this interview Professor Farzad Sharifian, a pioneer of Cultural Linguistics, gives a concise history of this relatively new field, which he introduces as a multidisciplinary area of research that examines the intricate relationship between language and cultural conceptualizations. Prof. Sharifian asserts this flourishing field of research can be applied in areas such as intercultural communication, cross-cultural pragmatics,language and politics, and World Englishes. He believes Cultural Linguistics has important implications for the practice of English Language Teaching (ELT) too,especially for Teaching English as an International Language (TEIL). Professor Sharifian also touches on the notion ofmetacultural competenceand how new communication technology can help language learners develop that competence.He concludes by saying that the English as an International Language and World Englishes paradigms require us to revisit how we define and assess language proficiency and that intercultural communication skills should constitute the heart of the new definitions and assessment procedures. 

Keywords:Cultural linguistics, Farzad Sharifian, Cultural conceptualizations,Metacultural competence, World Englishes, English as an international language

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