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venerdì 29 novembre 2019



Italy is a society tending to a high index of distance from power in general where the hierarchy is not lived to the fullest.
The Italian society understood as productive and civil structures of the country tends to broadly adhere to a cultural dimension of "Weak avoidance of uncertainty" while the Italian population tends to a adhesion for the own life to a cultural dimension of "strong avoidance uncertainty ".

His daily and profound choices are set in the light of this dimension that is found to be in clear contradiction with the institutional and economic design of the country.

The climate of economic difficulties called for reason of brevity "Crisis" are on the cultural level a clear sign of this situation of duality present in the country, in other words the Italians aspire to clarity in their daily life while "the legal country" offers only ambiguity and uncertainty as answer to their problems.

In terms of behaviour, Italians are individualists within a given "in-group" of belonging, making them very sensitive to the distinction in the social world between people considered as "in-group" or external to their (supposed) own group.
For this reason, relationships are often more important than the tasks to be carried out. The Italian company understood in its productive and organizational sphere tends to be very masculine since little space is given to the demands and needs of women.

On the contrary in private life, the role of women is very important because they are the part of population who keep the family network upright as well as the feeling of well-being for the male in family.

The temporal orientation of the country can peacefully be attributed to the short-term dimension in every area of ​​the social life of the country. This natural tendency to a short-term time orientation could be the real reason for the passive acceptance of precarious life as a working model and therefore also societal in a broad sense. This point appears to be in contradiction with an Italian mentality linked to the avoidance of uncertainty.

In this long winter called "Crisis", the cultural dimension called "restraint" becomes more and more wide because it becomes difficult to remember positive emotions, one lives with the feeling that things do not depend on us and therefore the goal of saying oneself happy seems practically impossible to reach.

Another element of opposition is the fact that Italy has become a society that has greatly reduced the distance from power in this historical period characterized by technology with the introduction of the web and various social media. This reduction in social distance from power can be seen in the relationship with parents, teachers and power relation in general.

In the political sphere, people's request is that of having a political world obliged to legitimize its choices in the name of the good for the country. Unfortunately in reality the political world "de facto" remains very distant from the people because it lives in its rituals all located in the capital city of Rome. This allows political corruption to be frequent even though it is often discovered by the Judges. This situation entails the presence of conflicting relationships between the political world and the Judicial power, which would like to maintain its autonomy, understood as a cultural dimension of "high index of social distance" and of "strong avoidance of uncertainty".

In a cultural context that goes elsewhere, these requests of the Judges seem to become privileges, while they are practically the preconditions for the proper functioning of the state machine.

Continuing we can mention that in the country the redistribution of taxes is weak despite the high tax burden for every citizen loyal to the tax authorities. Italian society, in a general sense, broadly adheres to a dimension of weak avoidance of uncertainty as we can see with linguistic expressions: after we see, then we talk about it late, we see later.

This uncertainty is accepted or perhaps imposed on those who do not have the certainty of income as could be the case for state employee and similar jobs. For the latter it is possible to live largely in harmony with the need for strong avoidance of uncertainty while having to live the price of an eternal stress and anxiety in having to face the unexpected of everyday life. However, this dimension remains a cornerstone to enable the healthy development of a society as a whole.

The parameters of strong avoidance of uncertainty are present in the entire Italian population with the presence of strong stress and anxiety and with the need to preserve their work even if they do not like it. Therefore I leave to imagine the rate of conflict in work situations of this nature.

So this are in very short some cultural dimension always in the ground with the Italian context.

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