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venerdì 1 maggio 2020


Buonasera, scusi, sono nella stanza numero 18.
● Ecco la Sua chiave, signor Lopez.
■ Senta, posso avere la sveglia alle 7 domani mattina?
● Certo. Allora, alle 7, stanza 18. Buonanotte.
■ Buonanotte

In this first turn of the dialogue we see how Mister Lopez informs of his room in order to avoid charging too high costs for the negative face of the receptionist. In this way, even the customer does not have to incur costs for his positive face by showing his adherence to a dimension of strong avoidance of uncertainty because clarity is necessary in his life. The receptionist reply will be "here's your key" as a way to enhance the positive face of the customer Mr. Lopez with a formal style. The allocutive form "Mr. Lopez" is appropriate but there is always the risk that Mr. Lopez wants to be allocuted as "Dr. Lopez" as is generally the case with many Italian customers. In other words, calling a client "Signor Lopez" can be almost always fine with a non-Italian client or with an Italian client within an informal type of accommodation while in a more formal or "raffinated" hotel structure with many Italians with academic qualifications a vague allocutive form such as "Signor Lopez" may seem very reductive and therefore a form of threat to there defence of a negative face. In practice it is a threat to his or her right of association with the other interlocutor. The customer replies with "hear" as a form of imperative politeness form in a very formal kind to index the social distance between the interlocutors. The customer's request is made to maintain a defence of his negative face because without the alarm clock for tomorrow morning he would risk losing appointments and therefore would pay for the absence of protection for his negative face and at the same time he could not enhance his positive face after a possible delay. The receptionist ratifies in a simple way not to charge any type of cost to the negative face of the customer. The simple answer from the receptionist is the best way to have few costs to suffer from the negative face of the customer. In fact, the presence of the final greeting involves the ratification and closing of the exchange. The same customer accepts this closure with the simple reply of the greeting received.


■ Buongiorno, scusi, devo andare al Duomo, ma non so a quale fermata devo scendere.
● Sì, guardi, deve scendere alla prossima fermata.
■ Ah! Grazie.
● Prego!
■ Buona giornata!
● Arrivederci.

In this dialogue we see how the first turn of conversation indicates a request for information and therefore represents a very common linguistic form to enter into a another person's life. This action is performed with a "Good morning. I am sorry, I have to go to the Duomo" where "good morning" is a greeting of recognition and at the same time a form of strengthening the positive face of the other interlocutor since the greeting usually involves a certain responsibility towards the other interlocutor to put it in Levinas terms ( Ethics and infinite, 1982). So it is used to give a "positive face" before making a request for information with a mitigating value with the intent to report the costs incurred for one's negative face, at the same time it represents a form of adhesion to a cultural dimension of "weak avoidance of uncertainty ". In fact this uncertainty of not knowing in life is accepted through a spirit of cooperation in which relationships are important in harmony with the" collectivism "dimension. In other words, the person requesting the information, except for major reasons, could have found the information on the internet in order to protect his negative face and a widespread "individualism" dimension present in the contemporary world but probably this person acting in that way in that particular circumstances does not adhere to these dimensions. The other person offering a simple and concise answer ratifies the request without charging any additional costs to the negative face of this person in harmony with the maxim of manner (be relevant and short) in terms of cooperation maxims (Grice, 1975). Usually in the Italian context, requests for information are replicated with very long and articulated responses as a way to enhance the positive face of the person questioned. Finally we have a series of ritual greetings to perform this closing between the two people "Ah! Thank you. ● Please! ■ Have a good day! ● Goodbye" which symbolize the positive final progress of this dialogue.

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