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mercoledì 22 gennaio 2020

Further analysis of the cultural dimensions presents in some historical advertising slogans.

Further analysis of the cultural dimensions presents in some historical advertising slogans.

1. Introduction

This work intends to analyze some advertising slogans that have made the history of the slogans becoming part of the collective memory of the Italian people as a speach comunity. This analysis of the slogans will allow to connect the cultural dimension inherent in the advertising slogans to better understand the reasons and the role played by these advertising messages.
These slogans have a very relevant cultural significance because they allow us to investigate the reasons for their strength within the Italian cultural reality.
2. Scavolini, the most loved cuisine of Italians ( Scavolini, la cucina piu' amata dagli italiani.

This historical slogan of the Scavolini company refers to the cultural value of "cooking" in the life of Italians. The kitchen is the favorite place to spend more time inside the house in order to adhere to a "satisfied" cultural dimension because food and cooking are two ways to declare yourself happy in the Italian cultural context, adding a certain degree of control of one's life and with a tendency to remember positive emotions. The kitchen is a place where the cultural dimension based on a weak social distance prevails because in the kitchen one must legitimize the proper skills and therefore the kitchen becomes a "meritocrat" space. The kitchen represents a place where the cultural dimension of "weak avoidance of uncertainty" prevails in order that food preparation can be done with tranquility, little stress and with a certain self-control and with a tendency to remember positive positive emotions during food preparation. The kitchen is a place in line with the cultural dimension of the "collectivism"  because there is a "we conscientious" because we cook for ourselves but above all for others, and relationships in the kitchen between are more important than the tasks . In the Italian context, the kitchen remains a place of 'passion' for both men and women. However, the kitchen represent the ability to carve out a time for cooking which confirm a adhesion to a cultural dimension of the 'femininity' . The dimension of the kitchen is an area where we can find on the same time a 'short-term time orientation' as well as a dimension of a 'long-term time orientation'. 

Cooking represents an activity where traditions remain sacrosanct but at the same time in the kitchen one must be able to adapt to the circumstances that we can find at home: in the same way, the concept of "cooking" could mean that the life of a family is bound by imperatives or the act of 'cooking' is a shared activity among family members. Certainly being at the service of others is important as a short-term cultural dimension, where spending money to eat well is certainly a value. In sum, cooking and food are much loved because they contain the most accessible possibility of adhering to the cultural dimension of "satisfaction" and at the same time to have a feeling of belonging to a" group "as a form of achieving a state of well-being inside a family group or among friends.
3. Rai. Everything. And More. ( in Italian Rai. Di tutto. Di piu')
This historical slogan in reference to the Italian public television called "Rai" implies the presence within this public structure of a large number of channels which are synthesized with the indefinite pronoun "tutto". In addition, the adverb "piu'" implies the possibility of increasing the television offer because Rai intends to increase its "collectivism" cultural dimension with a greater offer as a form of service for citizens. The pronoun "tutto" implies an adherence to the cultural dimension of 'high social distance' because the possibility of having "tutto" reduces or cancels the possibility of legitimizing the choice as a good or bad type of choice for the public. This approach allows this slogan to adhere to a 'weak avoidance of uncertainty' because you accept reality as it comes, you are calm and with little anxiety because you intend to understand and cover the "tutto", there is a certain degree of tolerance for ideas divergent, in this way we intend to see the citizens / listeners as competent in the eyes of the RAI management. "Tutto" definitely refers to a "collectivism" as a cultural dimension because there is a "we conscientious" on the part of television, the maintenance of harmony is prevalent, with the aim of emphasizing belonging to the group of listeners of the public television network. The role of television with all the channels pannels its offerings a way of adhering to a "femininity" cultural dimension because watching television means a form of balance between family life and work in a family environment where people works. When the act of watching television is predominantly a women activities then watching television adhere to the cultural dimension of "masculinity" where men manage the facts and women deal with the "emotions" encountered on television.
Watching television is broadly in line with the cultural dimension of a "short-term time orientation" because watching tv involves a stability of the person who does not change over time, given the fact that watching tv takes time away from real life means that the most important facts have happened in the past for the vast majority of the population and it is a good thing to spend your time watching television as a social event. The "satisfied" cultural dimension is found with the feeling of control of one's life. As for the adverb "piu'" we see the presence of the cultural dimension of low social distance as it is necessary to legitimize one's choice. We must maintain a cultural dimension of "weak avoidance of uncertainty" because diversity is increasing and therefore the difference is perceived as curiosity and we try to live with few stress.
"Di più" is an attempt to increase the "collectivism" dimension already present in the television world with the intention of creating ever larger families of listeners in exchange for loyalty to public TV. With "piu'" we try to emphasize with a faithful "in-group" in front of an "out-group" that is satisfied with only the commercial TV. The "long-term temporal orientation" dimension with "piu'" is found with the idea that the most important facts are to be placed in the future. TV adapts according to circumstances, the traditions of TV can be modified in the name of change, trying to learn from others is a good thing and making investments is important for the Italian public network Rai. 

With "piu'" the "satisfied" cultural dimension finds itself with a greater possibility of choice / freedom as an important fact to allow to increase positive emotions.
4.Those who love me follow me (Jesus Jeans). Chi mi ama mi segua.

In this historical slogan of the "Jesus Jeans" brand, reference is made to the cultural dimension of a "weak avoidance of uncertainty" because one is calm in accepting the uncertainty of life as a normal fact, one is at ease facing ambiguity and chaos in life. The expression "who loves me/chi mi ama" refers to the cultural dimension of the "individualism" type because the "vocation" is of the "individual" type, there is a right to the privacy of the choice, speaking for oneself is a good thing and "I "is an indispensable word in our language. In this expression we find the cultural dimension of "long term temporal orientation" because the most important facts of life must happen in the future and a good person adapts to circumstances. The "satisfied" cultural dimension in this case can be seen in the tendency to remember positive emotions and in declaring oneself happy. In the expression "follow me/ mi segua" we review a linguistic act that involves the presence of a cultural dimension with "a lot of social distance" because the legitimacy of the choices is irrelevant and the others expect to be told what they have to do. The dimension of "weak avoidance of uncertainty" is found with the parameter of acceptance of life as it is, with little stress, tolerance for difference, at ease with ambiguity and chaos. The expression "follow me" is a form of adhesion to the "collectivism" dimension because you decide to follow someone in exchange for loyalty, membership is emphasized by joining a certain "in-group" and relationships are more important than homework. "Follow me" is a behavior focused on the "femininity" dimension because it is necessary to appear modest and intentioned because "follow me" is a form of adhesion to the cultural dimension of "long term temporal orientation" because it is necessary to adapt to the various circumstances, the most important facts must take place in the future. Life in this way becomes guided by shared tasks. 

The idea of ​​"follow me" seems to adhere to a cultural dimension of "restrain" with a feeling of abandonment because things do not depend on my will and freedom of speech is certainly not of primary necessity.

5. You are Coop. Who can give you more? La coop sei tu. Cosa vuoi di piu'?

This slogan of the Italian supermarket "Coop" highlights the "cooperative" dimension inherent in the corporate structure of the Coop as a supermarket group. Therefore, the slogan seeks to highlight the cultural dimension of the "collectivism" with the emphasis of belonging, with the other commercial groups understood as "out-group" and with the presence of a " we conscious".
The message "La Coop sei tu" implies adherence to a 'low index of social distance' in term of cultural dimension because the choices must be legitimate and the hierarchy is only a form of inequality of roles and is established for convenience and consumers expect to be consulted. The slogan  "La Coop sei tu" involves a form of involvement in order to adhere to a cultural dimension of "strong avoidance of uncertainty", because there is a need for clarity and structures in setting the relationship between the supermarket and the consumer and between them there is an emotional need of rules to follow. Citizens are seen as competent from the point of view of the "coop" in harmony in this case with a cultural dimension of 'weak avoidance of uncertainty'.
The notion of collectivism remains prevalent in this slogan with the adhesion to the extended 'Coop' as family in exchange for quality and loyalty, a "conscientious we" and the need of belonging prevails. In this 'Coop' as a social model, a prevalence of the "femininity" cultural dimension can be affirmed because there is no gender difference between consumer members, everyone must be well-intentioned. The slogan implies adherence to a short-term temporal orientation because there is a form of stability of the person who chooses Coop, there are universal lines in situations, you must be proud of your supermarket and being at the service of others is important. The "satisfied" cultural dimension is found in the feeling of control of one's life and with the freedom of speech is an important fact.

6. Mulino Bianco: "Those who eat healthy find nature" Mulino Bianco: Chi mangia sano trova la natura

In this slogan we note how the expression "Chi mangia" can be traced back to a cultural dimension of the "individualism" because everyone is obliged to look after themselves, there is a conscientious "I", speaking for oneself is good thing and others are considered as individuals.
The adjective "sano/ healthy" refers to a cultural dimension of "strong avoidance of uncertainty" because there is a need for clarity in the things to eat, there is an emotional need for rules. The cultural dimension of the "individualism" is located in the fact that the tasks are more important than the relationships and the aim is to learn to feel good and to speak for oneself is fundamental. Instead, the "femininity" dimension is seen in the balance between work and life with the search for "healthy" food. The cultural dimension of 'long-term temporal orientation' is found with the fact that traditions are modifiable, the most important facts must happen in the future and trying to learn from others is a good thing. The "satisfied" cultural dimension is present with the feeling of control of one's life with a tendency to remember positive emotions.
7. Conclusions

The analysis of these famous advertising slogans made possible to establish the presence of some recurrent cultural dimensions within the chosen slogans. This slogan manages to grasp the cultural dimensions in order to make a radical overcoming towards a cultural dimension in opposition to the starting cultural situation . In practice, the slogan convey the consumer from a "restrain" cultural dimension towards a "satisfied" one, with an adherence to a new "in-group" as adhesion to the cultural dimension of "collectivism". Furthermore, the message of the slogan becomes an adhesion to the idea that spending money on social issues is the right way to adhere to the dimension of a short-term time orientation as the engine of consumer life. In short, creating a new "in-group" represents a very salient cultural element in the Italian advertising message in order to create a felling that if you adhere to the slogan message you can fight this pervasive feeling of abandonment present inside many sphere of society.


Hofstede, G. (2009, June). Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture (Unit 17, Chapter 14).

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